The 2012 National Biodiesel Conference featured an expanded display of biodiesel vehicles. Here’s a panoramic shot of the display

Featured Vehicles and their Notable Representatives Included:
- Paul Teutul, Sr., the iconic founder of New York’s custom motorcycle shop Orange County Choppers and star of the hit Discovery Channel series American Chopper, revealed his latest custom-built chopper and one-of-a-kind biodiesel vehicle!
- Motorsports enthusiast and soybean farmer Brent Hajek showed his land-speed record-setting Ford F-250, which clocked 182 mph running on a B20 biodiesel blend at the Bonneville Salt Flats.
- Ford Motor Company will presented its brand new 2012 Ford F-250 Super Duty, built Ford tough and approved for use with B20 biodiesel blends.
- Hino Trucks, the latest OEM to approve the use of B20 biodiesel blends, will presented its new game-changer: the 2012 Hino COE 195h hybrid truck, which runs on B20 and electric power.
- Florida Power & Light, one of the greenest fleets in Florida, showcased one of its many capable utility vehicles operating on B20 biodiesel blends.
- NASA, one of Florida’s best known green fleets and pioneers in the use of B20 biodiesel blends, featured one of its H1 Hummers used to support much of NASA’s program testing on new craft and space suites.
- We took a look into the future with a Diesel Electric eXperimental Vehicle (DEX-V) built by the non-profit group BDCOTSRUS from commercial off-the-shelf parts. Powered by B20 and electric power, this vehicle achieves a fuel economy of more than 100 miles per gallon.
- We also saw the future of biodiesel take on a luxurious look as CIMA Green presented its next major biodiesel project – the awe-inspiring Fisker Karma hybrid electric sports car, ready for a biodiesel upgrade.
Remember that you can follow what the Twitterverse is saying about the conference using the hashtag #NBB12.