Educational sessions are an integral part of the National Biodiesel Conference. The sessions are broken up into different interest areas. As time allows I hope to feature a few interviews from these sessions.
Technical Track
The technical track is targeted primarily to engineers, chemists and other technical professionals. Sessions will cover subjects from a research perspective and will serve as the fundamental basis for the establishment of industry-wide priorities for biodiesel research in the future.
Regulatory Track
The policy track is focused on updating stakeholders on the latest state and federal regulatory developments, including outcomes of the energy bill, status of executive orders and other federal programs and state legislative developments. Individuals interested in gaining a better understanding of national and regional biodiesel markets, as well as policy and regulations, will benefit from the sessions in this track.
Marketing Track
The marketing track examines the various emerging market applications for biodiesel, including heating oil, marine, mines, co-product markets and more. Biodiesel producers/marketers and other service industry stakeholders, as well as those involved in those various market segments, will want to attend these sessions.