It’t that time! Time to look ahead to the 2015 National Biodiesel Conference. Here’s an excerpt from NBB CEO, Joe Jobe, as he looks ahead.
In my seventeen years in the biodiesel world the most predictable dynamic of this growing industry has been unpredictability; a constant evolution of the market and its ever-transforming challenges. Managing through the ups and downs of business cycles and market changes is a part of every business. But we have had more than our fair share. For many it has been do or die at almost every turn. Since day one, this industry’s success, or size, or even very birth has been peppered with unknowns and all out battles for a spot at the transportation energy table. This year is no different.
So get registered if you have not yet and make your plans. Besides great professional improvement and motivating speakers there will be lots of opportunities for industry networking. Let’s get motivated and we’ll see you there.