Innovation Award Winner

Chuck2012 Conference, Audio

Leon Schumacher Eye on Biodiesel AwardThe Eye on Biodiesel Award winner for Innovation this year is Leon Schumacher.

Leon Schumacher, University of Missouri, is one of the first researchers to jump into biodiesel with both feet was Leon Schumacher, a professor of Agricultural Engineering at the University of Missouri – Columbia. Dr. Schumacher led the first engine tests of biodiesel in the U.S. including a 1991 Dodge Ram which can still be seen on the university campus today. Biodiesel has become one of the most tested fuels on the planet. It began with this early research and continues today.

You can listen to my interview with Leon here: Leon Schumacher Interview

You can also hear Leon’s remarks on stage here: Leon Schumacher Remarks

2013 National Biodiesel Conference Photo Album